Cassie Right back - this time on Give Me Pink to show how she likes to pleasure herself. Using two dildos means one for each hole, and she handles this pretty well!
Length: 32:46, 48 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Butt: apple
Clothes: bikini, fishnet, fully naked, high heels, stockings
Eyes: brown
Hair color: brown
Skin tone: light
Hair: long - straight
Pussy/Labia: meat curtains, small
Breasts: medium
Art & Addons: piercing
Body Type: skinny
Length: 31:46, 50 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Body Type: athletic
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels
Eyes: brown
Butt: bubble butt
Face Type: fashion model, glamorous
Hair: long - straight
Skin tone: medium
Pussy/Labia: medium
Length: 33:31, 49 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Butt: apple
Face Type: baby face
Eyes: brown
Clothes: costume, fully naked, high heels, skirt
Skin tone: medium
Pussy/Labia: medium
Hair: short
Body Type: skinny, smooth skin
Length: 30:06, 55 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Face Type: baby face, fashion model, glamorous
Body Type: barely legal, petite, smooth skin
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, skirt
Eyes: brown
Butt: bubble butt
Hair color: dark
Skin tone: light
Hair: long - straight
Pussy/Labia: meat curtains, medium
Length: 30:52, 51 pics
Categories: Food Play, Masturbation
Location: Living Room
Butt: average
Clothes: bikini, fishnet, fully naked, high heels
Eyes: brown
Hair color: brown
Breasts: floppy
Face Type: glamorous
Skin tone: light
Art & Addons: piercing
Hair: short
Length: 33:12, 30 pics
Categories: Food Play, Masturbation
Location: Living Room
Butt: average
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels
Eyes: brown
Hair color: dark
Skin tone: medium
Art & Addons: piercing
Hair: short
Face Type: slutty
Breasts: small
Pussy/Labia: small
Length: 29:20, 35 pics
Categories: Food Play
Location: Living Room
Butt: average
Clothes: bikini, fishnet, fully naked, high heels
Eyes: blue
Face Type: fashion model, glamorous
Hair: long - straight
Pussy/Labia: medium
Skin tone: medium
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All models were 18 years or older at the date of production which has been documented diligently. You may not use this site if you're not at least 18 years of age ordo not meet the age requirement to watch explicit pornography set forth by your respective domestic law.
The best part of a video of dildo in the asshole, is when the vibrator is removed and the anus is seen. but here there is not that part, that bad.
Cassie Right is one of my favorite girls because for me is super gorgeous! She has a mouth that shouts to be kissed and a great ass with a very puffy vulva specially when she bends over. The dirty things she says are nothing special but for a reason they turn me on. When a girl moans like Cassie does believe when I say I lose control of myself in a good way, her moans sound natural and very sexy. Is very hot watching Cassie using her fingers to rub that beautiful pussy but also using all of those toys. In her interview she talked about a DP and at the end we see her with a dildo in her butt hole and the magic wand vibrator over her clit and having a tremendous orgasm. 10/10 [-Ramon VM]