We just can't get enough of the incredibly sexy Cindy H. She rides a transparent dildo and has an earth shattering orgasm in this movie.
Length: 33:15, 49 pics
Location: Living Room, Outdoors
Categories: Masturbation
Butt: apple
Face Type: baby face
Hair: bangs, long - straight
Body Type: barely legal
Clothes: bra, high heels, lingerie
Hair color: brown
Eyes: brown
Skin tone: light
Pussy/Labia: medium
Length: 32:22, 43 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Butt: apple
Face Type: baby face
Body Type: barely legal
Eyes: brown
Clothes: costume, high heels, skirt, stockings
Hair color: dark
Skin tone: light
Pussy/Labia: medium
Hair: short
Length: 29:27, 43 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Butt: apple
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels
Eyes: blue
Hair color: dark
Skin tone: light
Pussy/Labia: medium
Hair: short
Length: 35:25, 55 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation, Speculum
Body Type: athletic
Butt: average
Eyes: brown
Clothes: costume, fully naked
Hair color: dark
Ethnicity: exotic
Face Type: glamorous
Hair: long - curly
Skin tone: medium
Pussy/Labia: small
Art & Addons: tattoo
Length: 42:43, 30 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Face Type: average
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels
Eyes: brown
Hair color: brown
Butt: bubble butt
Skin tone: light
Art & Addons: piercing
Hair: ponytail
Pussy/Labia: small
Length: 37:10, 28 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation, Speculum
Face Type: average
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels
Eyes: brown
Butt: flat
Skin tone: light
Hair: short
Pussy/Labia: small
Body Type: tall
Length: 31:00, 143 pics
Categories: Food Play, Masturbation, Speculum
Location: Living Room
Face Type: baby face
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels, lingerie, stockings
Eyes: blue
Hair color: brown
Butt: bubble butt
Pussy/Labia: meat curtains, medium
Skin tone: medium
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All models were 18 years or older at the date of production which has been documented diligently. You may not use this site if you're not at least 18 years of age ordo not meet the age requirement to watch explicit pornography set forth by your respective domestic law.
Great model, one of my favorites. But the movie is horrible only because there is useless talking and interaction with the camera person. The other two movies by Cindy H are fan-fucking-tastic right up there with my top ten GMP movies of all time. The talking is not even that sexy, it takes away from the model, let her do her own thing, no need to coach her along. The movies were great when there was no talking. I am very disappointed, please no more talking!:idea:
Cindy H is a great looking girl who is really into seems to be enjoying what she does in front of the camer. After a short introduction when she shows of her nice ass she starts touching herself. The following blowjob is really outstanding with several hornly looks in the camera. After that she sticks the dildo in her delightfull pussy and starts some heavy action. In the final part she puts the dildo in from behind and shows us some more fine shots of her ass and after that she goes wild with the dildo. Again another fine clip from Cindy H and can't wait for the next one!!!