Spanish natural cutie Jimena Lago shot this great solo scene with us the other day and we're happy to share it with everyone. She toys her pussy with a glass toy in this one and takes a ride on a pink plastic dick. Lots of closeup shots as per usual.
Length: 27:02, 49 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Eyes: brown
Butt: bubble butt
Clothes: costume, high heels
Hair: long - straight
Pussy/Labia: meat curtains, small
Skin tone: medium
Body Type: skinny
Face Type: slutty
Art & Addons: tattoo
Length: 32:23, 52 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Butt: apple
Face Type: baby face
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels
Eyes: brown
Hair color: dark
Skin tone: medium
Breasts: small
Art & Addons: tattoo
Length: 37:14, 42 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation
Body Type: athletic
Face Type: baby face, fashion model
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels
Eyes: brown
Butt: bubble butt
Hair color: dark
Hair: long - straight
Pussy/Labia: meat curtains, medium
Breasts: medium
Skin tone: medium
Length: 29:50, 29 pics
Categories: Anal, Masturbation
Location: Living Room
Body Type: athletic, smooth skin
Butt: bubble butt
Clothes: costume, fishnet, fully naked, high heels, stockings
Face Type: fashion model, glamorous
Eyes: green
Skin tone: light
Pussy/Labia: medium
Hair: short
Length: 34:27, 40 pics
Location: Living Room
Categories: Masturbation, Speculum
Butt: apple
Body Type: athletic, smooth skin
Clothes: bikini, fishnet, fully naked, high heels
Eyes: brown
Face Type: fashion model
Pussy/Labia: medium
Skin tone: medium
Art & Addons: piercing
Hair: short
Length: 35:38, 34 pics
Categories: Food Play, Masturbation
Location: Living Room
Eyes: blue
Butt: bubble butt
Clothes: costume, fishnet, fully naked, high heels, stockings
Skin tone: light
Hair: short
Pussy/Labia: small
Breasts: small
Length: 33:42, 47 pics
Categories: Food Play, Masturbation, Speculum
Location: Living Room
Butt: apple
Face Type: baby face, fashion model
Clothes: bikini, fully naked, high heels, stockings
Eyes: brown
Skin tone: dark
Hair color: dirty blonde
Hair: short
Body Type: skinny, smooth skin
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All models were 18 years or older at the date of production which has been documented diligently. You may not use this site if you're not at least 18 years of age ordo not meet the age requirement to watch explicit pornography set forth by your respective domestic law.
Jimena Lago and her majestic pair of legs are something incredibly alluring. I have to say that with the oil had much impact for the appeal of the scene and every time they give oil or lube to the model is something amazing. Also the type of toys that Jimena used were the correct ones in particular the dildo with the suction cup on the floor. And of course Jimena that gave everything of herself to the scene. I was surprised she didn't squirt because when she had the orgasm you can see how her pussy opens completely. It was very intense. I hope they can upload the 4k version of the scene to see this beauty with more detail. 10/10 [-Ramon VM]
More pics like #023 please.